Liquid Cooler For Laptop (Best Performance)

By using, liquid cooler for laptop, you will get amazing performance of your system for long and multitasking.

If you are working for long hours and your laptop is hanging due to processing heat or by weather heat at your working/official place then use liquid cooler for laptop or water cooler to avoid such performance lag.

How liquid cooler looks like ?

Water cooler and laptop then it’s really fascinating that how electricity and water both while working is safe or how to connect and how it’s look like in real world? Then below is the picture of the liquid cooler with laptop:

Photo of water cooler
Water cooler for laptop wit liquid water tube connector

How to use water cooler?

To use (turn off and on) liquid water cooler, we have to only touch.

It’s touch sensitive operation, first time touch will turn on after second touch, it will turn off with touch button. Fan is 80mm speed and width quality installation.

Performance analysis of liquid cooler for laptop

StatusType of workCPU UsageCPU TemperatureImage Proof Of The Usage
Before Plugin water coolerRendering Video ProjectsHigh87.5 to 90.6 DegreesCPU usage before water cooler plugin
After Plugin water coolerRendering Video ProjectsLow50 to 55 DegreesCPU temp after water cooler plugin

How to create?

Warning before explain that If you are a new user or learner then please don’t create liquid cooler for laptop at home. Because it may cause or harm your laptop or your life in danger due to electricity.

Let’s start, first open your laptop and remove RAM compartment.

Unplug your processor & create some space for cooler. Create space at CPU core I5 and GPU AMD.

Now, export everything from that place and Remove heat sink glue with cotton.

Now attach your liquid cooler at that place. That’s it, now your are ready to use.

Feel the amazing fast experience for your laptop for durable work. Hope this helps!!

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