What is Ad coverage? How can RSA Ad coverage create ads as per the search queries?

Ad coverage refers to the percentage of potential search queries that a particular ad or ad group is eligible to show for. Ad coverage is an important metric to measure the reach of your ads and identify any potential gaps in your targeting strategy.

Responsive Search Ads (RSAs) use machine learning to create ads that are tailored to the specific search query. When you create an RSA, you provide multiple headlines and descriptions, which Google’s algorithm uses to generate ad variations that are most relevant to the search query.

By using RSAs, you can create multiple ad variations that can match a wide range of search queries, which can help to increase ad coverage. The ability to use dynamic insertion of keywords from the search query into the ad copy can help to make the ad more relevant to the search query, which can help to increase ad coverage and click-through rate (CTR).

Google’s algorithm will automatically test different combinations of headlines and descriptions to determine which ones perform best, and will continue to optimize your ads over time. This means that your ads can adapt to the changing search patterns, which can help to increase ad coverage and reach more potential customers.

It is important to monitor the Ad coverage metric to ensure that the ads are being shown to the right audience and identify any potential gaps in targeting strategy.