Marriage Biodata Formats Online in 2022 [Updated] – Word, Docx, PDF Free Download

A life partner finding is the most precious obsession step in your & your family life. However you are a girl or boy in your family. That’s why, if your father or mother or guardian heard about any decent or even average marriage proposal or prospect by any relative or friend. 

By creating or making a neat, clean and simple marriage biodata will help you to be life partner to understand your life key points and information.

Infographic of Best Marriage Biodata Creation Image with questions and benefits
Infographic of Best Marriage Biodata Creation Image with questions and benefits
Create Your Biodata
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1 Biodata Create Online Form

Biodata Create Online Form

How to make bio data for marriage of boy or girl?

Finding your dream boy or girl is a difficult job. Follow our hashtag on twitter with #marriagebiodataformatdocxdownload. It’s a great task to hold it by your parents on your behalf. But most of the time, writing a bio data for marriage can be a challenge.

That’s why, we are here with free per-defined template examples with word and pdf format for youth.

You have multiple options to make bio data for marriage for a girl or a boy during wedding search days. You can get your best biodata for marriage in different languages like Hindi or Urdu or English.

Here is image samples that can brief you about the wedding biodata, how it looks like for boy:

how to make bio data for marriage of boy image
Photo of a boy marriage biodata format

Another sample biodata for marriage for girl as below:

sample biodata for marriage for girl photo
Photo sample format for a girl marriage bio data

Examples and free downloadable files as template for wedding resume. Please find the examples in word/PDF/Image format to create Groom or Bride profile in both cases:

Hindu Marriage Biodata Format – 1


Download Marriage bio data sample template in PDF

In this template, you have to fill all your and your family member with contact info details with address, kundali if you are belonging from Hindu religion. It’s simple and easy to carry and forward.

Latest biodata format for marriage doc for salaried class

This is the format for salary or job profile person who are looking for qualified life partner. Example: if you are working in a multi-national company and looking for the same type of profile for your perfect match. Then follow this template with to the point key details to fill.

How to make biodata for marriage?

Estimate Cost : INR

Time Needed : 20 minutes

You can follow our steps to get effective, simple & latest format for Hindu marriage required details like name, email, phone number, family details, education background etc.

  1. Edit your basic details as name, father name etc.

    Follow the basic practices to fill out your name, age, father/mother name and age & place of birth etc.How to make biodata for marriage

  2. Fill the information if you are following Hindu marriage

    Mostly Hindu wedding process required kundali or janam patrika. This paper created by at the time of your birth with details of everything of your birth timing and dasha.

    Pandit Ji is creating all the timings as per your birth; like: your exact birth of place, birth of time in seconds and minutes, disha, dasha, rashi, patrang details etc. This will help to create a combination of matching pair possibility called Gun. This required to match groom and bride to understand and collaborator with each other in the life time.

    However pandit ji also called as astrologer. If still, you don’t have any kundali then you can type online as “create online kundali for free” & fill related information. Then you can get entire janam kundali for free at your home.

  3. Fill out professional details

    Enter your job description, place, time of work, year of experience and type of job in the company will help to create faith. Because every father of girl or mother of boy is giving his/her most precious gift of their life.

    So, correct professional details are required. If you are not earning then remove or mark as student or searching for job. But be careful, current job information and earning value must be correct. It may cause relation and trust in future if things will go forward.

  4. Fill out family details

    This also the most import feature of your marriage proforma. Every body is looking a marriage as society status representation. Because they are spending lot’s of value and money at their end. So, best family members they are looking.

    Specially, girl or boy (bride and groom) are looking for stable family balance in their life. If everything covered in the resume or bio-data then it’s easy to get better understanding.

  5. Paste your current best profile picture

    Try to past your most current and best outlook profile picture. It’s a first impression. So, it’s must be best.

    However you can go to professional photographer and make a photo shoot for wedding photo. This will help you present yourself at best pose.

  • Pre-defined template to download to make easy your format.
  • Marriage biodata format docx is a marriage application form that can be filled up online. The marriage biodata format docx has the details of the person applying for marriage and his/her spouse, if it is an inter-caste marriage.
  • Photo
    Personal details
    Professional details
    Family details
    Education details

You can see more related articles like best transportation in India to explore Indian travel life.

Simple marriage biodata format is in use. Becuase docx format is best way for wedding resume creator by own either on desktop or mobile both.

Today smartphone have ability to edit and create create docx file and then save as PDF to publish and share. That’s why we are sharing a doc file with editable points of your own profile as below:

Hindi boy or girl sample for wedding maker image
Hindi boy or girl sample for wedding maker

Is it Resume, Bio-Data & CV is same or there are any difference?

  • Resume: is short form of your profile and life go through. This is a way to communicate your key pointer of your work or professional life cycle.
  • BioData: is information of profile like name, DOB, height, color, address, gotra, complexion, smoker or not, body structure, drinking alcohol or not & what is your mother tongue etc. These things that define you and your life style in office and home. So called overall view about you. That’s biographical information data.
  • CV: is called as Curriculum Vitae. It’s about activity and things you have done in short. It’s a complete course of your life. What things making your complete.

Marriage biodata is a document which includes personal and family information. This marriage biodata format docx contains latest marriage biodata formats for both boys and girls, in three different file formats: Docx, PDF and Word. You can download these marriage biodata formats.

That’s why, we are sharing lot’s of other bio-data for your wedding plan as below:

These docx bio data for marriage in word file for your convince and completely free just by clicking on downlead link.

Most important & key things to must do while making your marriage biodata

  • Your profile must be visible and attractive
  • Don’t use too much bold character or abusive words
  • Try to be focus on pointers
  • Details good and bad both things about you
  • Be honest about yourself
  • Best profiles are short and maximum till 2 pages
  • Don’t miss out any additional information that making you different from others like singing, dancing, writing, making jokes, if any political capability or else.

Why about myself is most important feature you must include in your word file?

About yourself is always import in your life, whether it’s your personal one on one job or personal interview else online presentation.

About me section you have to take care with personal communication. It’s your first impression to start the conversation and base foundation to start the relationship.

What pointer must to include

Present your life with base pointers like your name, age, height, qualification, profession, color of skin, language and other details.

Showcase your goals, so you can start the future points and start the discussion whenever you will meet together.

Assure Pointes if you are as bride or groom

As a Bride

Mention your color, skills like cooking, singing, professional capability, ways to manage your home, attitude and other key responsibility you can take as a partner.

As a Groom

Similar to bride, cover your health, skin color, personality, financial backup, professional health, home management methods, traveling skills and others.

Is it every countries using this wedding resume format?

Yes, Almost every countries are following documented information for wedding and marriages.

Most of the Indonesian, United States, United Kingdom, Vietnam, Brazil, Philippines and Russian couples are looking for per-wedding information format in document paper before to go ahead.

Girls & Boys (Latest Ganesh Ji Style or Design Layout Format in Docx & PDF)

It’s a Ganesh ji design couple proposal file in docx format for your profile. You can update your relevant details and share with your loved one. Below is the file:

Can Marriage Biodata Maker App Help To Create Quick Profile?

Marriage is the most important decision you will ever make. It’s a big deal, so before you take that next step, it’s always best to be sure about who your partner really is. That’s why we created the Marriage Biodata Maker app! Kindly go and search on Google Play store.

With this marriage biodata maker app you can create a personalized questionnaire for each person in your relationship which will allow you to learn more about them and decide if they’re right for you!

Biodata in all languages

Marriage may seem like a simple event to some, but for others who want to make sure that things go smoothly with their wedding planning and need help with translating English into other languages, this can be difficult.  To help you out we’ve created marriage biodata in all languages so that you have a head start on finding your perfect partner or spouse!

How to find your best partner in your community? – Different Ways

Finding a life partner is not an easy task. It requires time, patience and the ability to see beyond what’s on the surface. But in your community there are many potential partners who might be perfect for you! So take some time and go out and meet new people in your area with these tips:

  • Go to places where you know there will be lots of singles – bars, clubs, concerts, festivals etc., or better yet if any of these interest you then they can be great ways to meet like-minded people around you that may want to date too.
  • Join groups (online or offline) that share common interests such as hobbies, sports teams etc. These can make great dating communities.

Create Marriage biodata by your smartphone mobile

Marriage is the most beautiful relationship in the world. But it becomes more difficult to maintain with time.

The time has changed, and now people are too busy to spend quality time with their partners. With smartphones, it’s become easier than ever for couples to take care of their marriage by using apps that help them stay connected and organized all day long.

What type of words to use in your profile? Here list of best characters

When you’re in a wedding, it’s important to know what words describe yourself. This is where your Biodata comes in! Your biodata can help you and your spouse know more about each other and make the most of your time at home together.

There are three main types of self-descriptors: Process descriptors, Quality descriptors, and Character descriptors. These will help you find out how much patience or persistence one person has with another as well as their level of determination or confidence. You can also learn whether someone is talkative or reserved through this process too!

5 Tips for Making a Marriage Biodata Format Document
Image of a couple at wedding kiss along with flower

5 Tips for Making a Marriage Biodata Format Document

The marriage biodata format is a document that must be filled out by both the bride and groom before marriage. It includes details about their marriage, such as marriage date, marriage type, marital status, religion and caste affiliation.

There are many things to keep in mind while making this document – from what information you should include to what font to use. These 5 tips for making a marriage biodata format doc that is professional and well-written!

When marriage biodata format doc is made, it should contain all the necessary marriage information. It also needs to be in a specific order. The marriage biodata format doc should have the following sections:

Name of Bride or GroomAkash Bhaduariya or Vishakha Patnayak
Date of Birth10/08/1983 (as per your DOB)
Place of Birth (city or village)Vadodraarn (Local Area)
Father/mother’s nameA. K. Bhaudruarkya
Family statusJoint (as per your family strength)
Name and other details are visionary. Not for any real name reference.
Video tutorial of resume creation

Example of the line to describe as: I am an active, confident and expressive woman. I always promote the best in me even when things are at their worst!

Example of words that you can use in

As per the verdict by, An Australian couple:

Yes, It’s import, we had done the verification of my groom. Because it was the matter of lifetime deal and partnership. We must have to be specific and concise about our relationship.

Money is not everything but other life essentials like height, sex, interest, food type, eyes, before marriage love affairs (ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend lists), Condom use before or not, Which song they love, Is it any sports activity or not and many other several activities. That we had observed and checked before love partnership.

Sukarati Sonakiliya & Jackson Andrew Statement at Goa Beach, India.

Sample Email To Your Marriage Biodata Format Docx or PDF File Online

If You Are A Boy or Girl

Dear First Name,

Are you looking for a life partner? I am _(your name) and I belong to the caste – . I have been working in company-name as a _ for the past few years earning monthly/yearly salary of ___. Outlookful girl who is ready to take care of me and my parents can contact me on this number: “phonenumber” at any time.


As a parents


As a biodata for marriage, I have created a format that will help you get noticed by the people who are looking to provide their daughter or son in (country). In this document you can find all the information about my __ (profession) and _ (social status), as well as what is expected from me in a wife/husband.

If you want to make your life partner search easier please join me with this chance.

You must have to attach your docx or pdf file while sharing on email. This will help you fast notification and connect online via sharing on email.

What to do when you first meet for a Wedding Proposal?

This first meeting for a proposal can be quite nerve wracking. You want to make sure you get the first impression right, and not only that but also give your partner’s parents a good first impression of you. It is important to know what the first meeting should look like and how it should go in order to ensure success later on!

If you are first time meetup for wedding proposal, there are many things to do. You will want to first figure out if this person is the right one for you because it isn’t easy to get married. If they seem like a great partner, then it’s time to start planning your big day!

What is the Default Size of Biodata?

The default size of biodata is the smallest amount of information that you need to provide in order for a person to understand who you are. Typically, this includes your name and age.

The default size of biodata is 12×12 inches in docx word file. Otherwise, There is no default size for biodata.

Hope this helps! Let us know if any other format required.

Why is there so much of a problem making weddings in India today?

In India, marriages are celebrated as a holy festival and it is believed that it is a sacred bond that lasts till birth. If you become once in this bond then your life will be successful and your family’s wholeness is determined by this. But nowadays to make Indian weddings, not only the parents but also the couples have to work hard.

Although nowadays for conducting Indian weddings, there are many applications available on Google Play Store. So that,, and many other small and big websites. Along with these, wedding event planners and big pundits keep roaming with people’s horoscopes.

But even after this, it is a big problem to find your desired bride or groom. The main reason for this is today’s living habits and today’s colloquial language. Today’s lifestyle is very stressful and financial aid is situated above. For which a person has to continuously work in the ecosystem to meet his financial needs. Due to which a person puts himself efficiently but because of that he has difficulty in maintaining mental and social balance.

The main problem of living and dressing is in

today’s time everyone is trying to live the metro life. The problem is that people are getting jobs only in metro cities like Kolkata, Bangalore, Delhi, Gurgaon, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Pune. Such cities have become so busy that people do not have time for themselves, due to which they cannot understand anything else and they spend all their time only to fulfill their living needs.

The second major reason is that there are so many dating apps nowadays that people are looking for many options. As tinder is a very big way in metro life, through this application people spend time with each other for night out and try to get to know each other. However, it is a very good thing that whenever you are going to choose your life partner, you should spend time with him to understand whether he can understand your words and your problems in the coming time or not.

 But the problem is that these dating apps are also being misused. For example, if you meet someone on Facebook and then later you spend your time at any restaurant or any traveling destination, then surely it will be very good but nowadays people are working on the concept of a first night stand. So that they make an internal relationship, but due to this it does not go very far.

 Because maybe they want the happiness they are looking for immediately, but the problem is that they can’t get rid of your misery and problems immediately. But those who go in the attainment of happiness and find misery, then after some time they get a breakup. And in this way they feel very bad, they feel that Ananya is only for transactions with each other. 

This is the main reason that in today’s time there is a time for weddings but they do not last very long. And the biggest problem with having weddings is that you spend so much time trying to find the right bride and groom. The problems that come after this become much bigger.

Problems in having children

Due to fixing your professional life, you spend most of your time fixing this professional life. Due to which you are not able to start your married life or start again after a long time. The reason for which later becomes a major reason for not being able to produce children in your practical life.

 At this time many gynecologists are sharing the problem and are telling that at this time young people are also capable of having children because either the sperm count has decreased in them or they are getting older. The main reason for this is late marriages. 

 As we mentioned above, nowadays people are getting married after a long time to make their professional life right and before that they are trying to be in a living relationship for a long time. Due to which and only for the sake of physical happiness, we are considering married life as the way. But the truth is on the contrary that you have to live among your children to get peace of mind.

 And they are facing a lot of problems in solving this problem, due to which it is growing as a social problem. Due to this problem, there is a saying where there is a problem, there is an opportunity to overcome this problem. Many doctors have done staff training as a business, many films have also come on it. Then if you want to avoid these problems, then marry yourself at the right time and if you are late then marry your siblings or your children on time. This information is issued in public interest. 

Try to make your marriage resume look the best.

Life is very precious and your marriage in this life is more than that. That is why whenever you talk about choosing your married life partner, first of all you need to present yourself in the right way. 

There is a saying that as you get it, so if you display yourself properly, then it is fully expected that you will get better than your partner in front of you.

 That’s why whenever you share your marriage profile or your resume with someone, look at yourself many times and try to understand how it will feel if someone else sees it.

 Try to add all kinds of things and information related to you in it, even if it is good then it is the best thing, but even if some things are spoken, you also try to add them, this will make your profile and your resume look more correct.

 The first foundation of marriage is trust, if you are successful in convincing your partner through your resume, then 70% of your work is done. After this, when you go to meet each other, then your smile and your truth and information about you will be the beginning of your married life.

 So you create your marriage profile, then in your doc file all your things like how much height you are, what is your body color, what type of clothes you wear, what color of clothes you like to wear, what food What do you like and where do you like to travel, if there is any kind of online platform you use, then share information about them, what kind of movies and songs are you interested in listening to, do you play any sport and have you ever Tell me about any kind of reward you have found in it. Where have you lived till now and what is your main source of income? How can you keep your partner happy for the rest of your life, definitely mention this. 

 Put your current profile with the photo, and it is also important that the profile is of interest to the person in front. But be right. In many cases, it has been seen that people fill their information correctly, but when it comes to giving their photos, they give edited photos which are not correct. So whenever you talk face to face with each other, your first impression is not correct. Because expect that if you are fat or black and you have given in your edited photo that you are very fit and beautiful.

In such a situation, wherever you go in front to meet your partner, the first thing that you shared on your profile or not, you started lying. If your partner is intelligent, then he will add things there, but if he feels bad about this, then you consider the beginning of this relationship to be over.

That’s why looking at the above things very carefully, understanding and writing it will help you a lot. 

Biodata for a Marriage Profile: Describe Myself (By A Boy)

  1. I am a person who is looking for life partner. I want to find someone who can be my companion, friend and lover. I have not met the right person yet but when I do, it would be great if that person has many of these qualities as well.

    I am optimistic about finding this special someone because I believe there are people out there just like me who are also searching for their perfect match. So let’s meet! If you’re interested in knowing more about me then contact me now! 🙂
  2. I am a young man who is looking for a life partner. I have been single for a while now and it’s time to settle down. I thought that this would be the perfect place to share my biodata with you all, so here goes! 

    I like to play football on the weekends. On Sundays, you can find me at church or out shopping with friends. When I am not busy doing those things, you will probably find me in front of the TV watching movies or sports events (mainly football). My favorite team is Barcelona FC! 

    I like spending time with my family and friends when I’m not working on projects related to engineering (my degree major).

Describe Myself (By A Girl)

  1. I am a woman who is looking for someone special to spend the rest of my life with. I’m very ambitious and goal oriented, but also enjoy spontaneity. I want someone who can take care of me, but will also do things with me too. I need someone who has an adventurous spirit to bring out my own!
  2. I am a woman in my late 20s. I have always been someone who has never had difficulty meeting people, but for some reason, I feel like the single life is not for me. That being said, I find myself struggling to meet people who are looking for something serious and want to get married someday.

Mind Map Flowchart(Process) Of Marriage Biodata Format In English

Mind Map Flowchart(Process) Of Marriage Biodata Format In English

Fill Hindu marriage biodata format docx

Hindu Marriage Biodata Format Docx is a well-written book which is intended to guide you through the intricacies of Hindu wedding ceremonies. It is diverse in terms of content and is intended for both men and women. The text is comprehensive and includes a comprehensive introduction to Hindu wedding traditions, significant Hindu wedding ceremonies, customs, rituals and etiquette.

It also contains a detailed description of how to plan a wedding, how to conduct the wedding and how to choose the right wedding ceremony. It also contains tips on how to choose the right priest or priestess, how to find the right venue, how to choose the best wedding dress, how to choose the right designer and how to establish a good rapport with the priest or priestess.

If a person’s goal is to get married and have a happy wedded life, then a real sense of freedom and comfort is achieved only after the marriage takes place. After the marriage is done, the same can’t be said for the same. But at least, the same is obtained after the getting married.

The Wedding Bond In Words

For a wedding, a promise is made between the couple to stay together at all costs. This may be a tenuous yet romantic decision, and the closest of all to a sacred bond. It is a promise that is made to be broken, yet we still choose to make it. Other promises may involve promises of respect, trust, and love. However, a promise to love someone for the rest of your life can be the hardest of all.

The most important aspect of a marriage is the bond it creates between the two partners, and there are many different ways to formalize that bond, one of them being a biodata format. While there are many ways to create biodata, this article will be talking about the format as it is used in Hinduism. Here is a sample of a biodata format that is used in Hinduism by using marriage biodata template docx.

Best Marriage Biodata Format

You wouldn’t want to be the only one in your family to be the smartest, strongest, most athletic person on earth. You wouldn’t want to be the only one in your family to be the best dancer. You wouldn’t want to be the only one in your family that could outrun and out-think any other person on earth. You would rather be a member of a family that was all of these things than being just one of them.

It’s not about talent. It’s not even about making friends. It is more about having a sense of community and supporting each other, which is much more attractive than being a lone wolf or “The One” in your family, with no real mates and friends surrounding you.

It is much easier for us to believe that we are unique in our field of work or passion than it is for us to believe that we have what it takes to be successful when our peers have already achieved their goals and/or have proven their worthiness as an individual through excellent achievements in their field of work/passion.

Choose wisely! There are plenty of people who will support you even if you can’t do something yourself. They may know people who can help you get started with your dream career if needed, however, I still tell my students that you shouldn’t rely on anybody but yourself when it comes to making decisions about where you will put your time and effort (money) – this is especially important because young people today are very quick to make decisions without consideration for others around them or without considering how others might react (i.e., less altruistic).

A Completed marriage biodata look like

A marriage biodata is a document that typically includes the following information:

  • Personal details: Your name, date of birth, age, height, weight, blood type, religion, caste, sub-caste, and marital status.
  • Educational qualifications: Your educational institutions, degrees, and percentage scores.
  • Career details: Your current occupation, employer, and salary.
  • Family details: Your parents’ names, occupations, and contact information.
  • Hobbies and interests: Your interests and hobbies.
  • Expectations: Your expectations for your future spouse.

The format of a marriage biodata can vary depending on the individual’s preferences and cultural background. However, most biodatas follow a similar structure and include the same basic information.

Here is an example of a marriage biodata template:

Personal Details

  • Name: [Your Name]
  • Date of Birth: [Your Date of Birth]
  • Age: [Your Age]
  • Height: [Your Height]
  • Weight: [Your Weight]
  • Blood Type: [Your Blood Type]
  • Religion: [Your Religion]
  • Caste: [Your Caste]
  • Sub-Caste: [Your Sub-Caste]
  • Marital Status: [Your Marital Status]

Educational Qualifications

  • School: [Your School]
  • Grade: [Your Grade]
  • Percentage: [Your Percentage]
  • College: [Your College]
  • Degree: [Your Degree]
  • Percentage: [Your Percentage]

Career Details

  • Occupation: [Your Occupation]
  • Employer: [Your Employer]
  • Salary: [Your Salary]

Family Details

  • Father’s Name: [Your Father’s Name]
  • Occupation: [Your Father’s Occupation]
  • Contact Information: [Your Father’s Contact Information]
  • Mother’s Name: [Your Mother’s Name]
  • Occupation: [Your Mother’s Occupation]
  • Contact Information: [Your Mother’s Contact Information]

Hobbies and Interests

  • [Your Hobbies and Interests]


  • [Your Expectations for Your Future Spouse]

This is just an example, and you may need to add or remove sections depending on your individual circumstances. However, this should give you a good starting point for creating your own marriage biodata.

How to Write matrimonial profile for my son?

The matrimonial profile is not only a way to describe the person you’re dating, it’s also a way to “nail down” the qualities and traits that are important to you. In other words, it is a key tool for profiling yourself in a way that helps you get along with people.

A matrimonial profile for my son. This profile will help the prospective mother to easily find suitable man for her son, without much hassle.

It will help you write a great profile for your son. Your son will be able to find a girlfriend or wife in few clicks as per given instructions.

What is the best way to create biodata for girl and boy?

The best way to create biodata for girl and boy is to use birthdate formats. Birthdate formats can be used for boy and girl.

We already know that the birthdays of boys and girls are different from each other. For example, a boy’s birthday is on March 21 whereas a girl’s birthday is on April 20.

But what if someone asks you, “What is the best way to create biodata for girl or boy?” Well, you need to answer in your own style. Then you can say “An individual has different kinds of birthdate according to their gender.

The possibilities of birthdate formats are endless! Use them to pick up your stakes!

आज भारत में शादियों को बनाने के लिए इतनी समस्या क्यों आ रही है? (हिंदी में)

 भारत में शादियां एक पवित्र त्यौहार की तरह मनाई जाती हैं और यह माना जाता है कि यह जन्म जन्मांतर तक जुड़े रहने वाला एक पवित्र बंधन है.  यदि आप इस बंधन में एक बार बन गए तो आपका जीवन सफल और आपके परिवार को संपूर्णता इसी से निर्धारित होती है.  लेकिन आजकल भारतीय शादियां बनाने के लिए,  न सिर्फ माता-पिता बल्कि जोड़ों को भी काफी मेहनत करनी पड़ रही है.

हालांकि आजकल भारतीय शादियों को  कराने के लिए, गूगल प्ले स्टोर पर बहुत सारे एप्लीकेशन अवेलेबल है.  जिससे कि,,  और बहुत सारे छोटे बड़े वेबसाइट.  इनके साथ साथ आजकल वेडिंग इवेंट प्लानर और बड़े-बड़े पंडितों की लोगों की कुंडलियां लेकर घूमते रहते हैं.

लेकिन इसके बावजूद भी आपको अपना मनचाहा वर या वधू मिल जाए यह एक बहुत बड़ी समस्या है.  इसका मुख्य कारण यह है कि आजकल का रहन सहन और आजकल के बोलचाल की भाषाएं.  आजकल की जीवन शैली बहुत ही तनावपूर्ण और वित्तीय सहायता ऊपर स्थित है.  जिसके लिए व्यक्ति को अपनी वित्तीय जरूरतों को पूरा करने के लिए लगातार इको सिस्टम में काम करते रहना पड़ता है.  जिसके कारण व्यक्ति अपने आप को कुशलतापूर्वक डाल देता है लेकिन उसकी वजह से उसको मानसिक और सामाजिक संतुलन बनाने में कठिनाई होती है.

रहन-सहन एवं पहनाओ की मुख्य समस्या

आज के समय में सभी लोग मेट्रो लाइफ जीने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं,  समस्या यह है कि लोगों को जॉब बी मेट्रो सिटी में ही मिल रहे हैं जैसे कि कोलकाता, बेंगलुरु, दिल्ली, गुड़गांव, मुंबई, हैदराबाद, पुणे. इस तरह के शहर इतने व्यस्त हो गए हैं कि  लोगों को अपने लिए ही समय नहीं है जिसके कारण से वह कुछ और सोच समझ नहीं पाते और वह अपनी रहन-सहन की जरूरतों को पूरा करने के लिए ही अपना सारा समय व्यतीत कर देते हैं.

दूसरा प्रमुख कारण है कि आजकल डेटिंग एप्स बहुत सारे हो गए हैं जिससे कि लोग कई सारे ऑप्शंस की तलाश में रहते हैं.  जैसे कि मेट्रो लाइफ में टेंडर एक बहुत बड़ा जरिया है,  इस एप्लीकेशन के द्वारा लोग रात में नाइट आउट करने के लिए एक दूसरे के साथ समय बिताते हैं और एक दूसरे को जानने की कोशिश करते हैं.  हालांकि एक बहुत अच्छी बात है कि जब भी आप अपना जीवनसाथी चुनने जा रहे हैं तो आप उसके साथ समय बिताएं हुए समझें कि वह आने वाले समय में आपकी बातों और आपकी समस्याओं को समझ सकता है या नहीं.

 लेकिन समस्या यह है कि इन डेटिंग एप्स का दुरुपयोग भी हो रहा है.  जैसे कि अगर आप फेसबुक पर किसी से मिलते हैं और फिर बाद में आप उससे किसी रेस्टोरेंट्स या फिर किसी ट्रैवलिंग डेस्टिनेशन पर अपना समय व्यतीत करते हैं तो निश्चित ही यह बहुत ही अच्छा होगा लेकिन आजकल लोग फर्स्ट नाइट स्टैंड की कंसेप्ट पर वर्क कर रहे.  जिससे कि वह आंतरिक रिलेशनशिप बना लेते हैं लेकिन इसके कारण यह काफी दूर तक नहीं जा पाता.

 क्योंकि शायद वह जो सुख ढूंढ रहे हैं वह वह तुरंत चाहते हैं लेकिन  समस्या यही पर है कि वह आपका दुख और व समस्या तुरंत दूर हो नहीं सकते.  लेकिन जो सुख की प्राप्ति में जाते हैं और दुख को पाते हैं तो कुछ समय के बाद ही उनका ब्रेकअप हो जाता है.  और इस प्रकार से उन्हें बहुत ही बुरी अनुभूति होती है उन्हें लगता है कि अनन्या सिर्फ एक दूसरे से लेनदेन के लिए ही है. 

 यही प्रमुख कारण है कि आज के समय में शादियों का समय है लेकिन वह काफी लंबे समय तक नहीं चलती.  और सबसे बड़ी समस्या की शादियों को होने में ही है कि आप सही वर और वधू  प्राप्त करने के समय में इतना समय लगा देते हैं.  इसके बाद की आने वाली समस्याएं ज्यादा बड़ी हो जाती हैं.

बच्चे पैदा करने में समस्या

अपनी प्रोफेशनल लाइफ को सही करने के कारण आप अपना अधिकतर समय इस प्रोफेशनल लाइफ को ठीक करने में लगा देते हैं.  जिसके कारण आप अपना वैवाहिक जीवन शुरू ही नहीं कर पाते या फिर शुरू करते हैं तो काफी देर के बाद. जिसका कारण आगे चलकर के आपकी व्यवहारिक जीवन में बच्चों को पैदा ना कर पाने का एक प्रमुख कारण हो पाता है.

 इस वक्त समस्या कई सारे गायनोलॉजिस्ट शेयर कर रहे हैं और यह बता रहे हैं कि इस वक्त युवा भी बच्चे पैदा करने में सक्षम है क्योंकि उनमें या तो स्पर्म काउंट कम हो चुका है या तो फिर उनकी उम्र ज्यादा हो रही है.  इसका प्रमुख कारण देर में शादियां करना है. 

 जैसा कि हमने ऊपर बताया कि आजकल लोग अपनी प्रोफेशनल लाइफ को सही करने के लिए काफी देर में शादियां कर रहे हैं और उससे पहले काफी समय तक लिविंग रिलेशनशिप में रहने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं.  जिसके कारण व केवल शारीरिक सुख के लिए ही वैवाहिक जीवन को रास्ता मान रहे हैं.  लेकिन सच्चाई इसके उलट है कि आपको मानसिक शांति पाने के लिए अपने बाल बच्चों के बीच में रहना होता है.

 और यह समस्या दूर करने में उन्हें काफी समस्या हो रही है जिसकी वजह से यह एक सामाजिक समस्या के रूप में बढ़ रही है. इस समस्या के कारण ही एक कहावत है जहां समस्या वहां पर अवसर,  इस समस्या को दूर करने के लिए बहुत सारे डॉक्टर स्टाफ ट्रेनिंग इसको एक धंधे के रूप में कर चुके हैं इसके ऊपर कई सारी फिल्में भी आ चुकी है.  तो फिर आप इन समस्याओं से बचना चाहते हैं तो सही समय पर स्वयं का और अगर आप लेट कर चुके हैं तो अपने भाई बहनों का या फिर अपने बच्चों का विवाह समय पर करें.  यह सूचना जनहित में जारी. 

अपनी मैरिज बायोडेटा को सबसे बढ़िया दिखाने की कोशिश करें

जिंदगी बहुत अनमोल है और इस जिंदगी में आपका विवाह उससे भी ज्यादा.  इसीलिए जब भी आप अपनी वैवाहिक जीवन के पार्टनर को  चुनने की बात करते हैं तो सबसे पहले आपको स्वयं को सही तरीके से प्रदर्शित करना जरूरी है. 

क्योंकि कहावत है कि जैसे को तैसा ही मिलता है,  इसलिए यदि आप अपने आपको सही से प्रदर्शित करेंगे तो यह पूरी उम्मीद है क्या आपको सामने भी आपका पार्टनर आपको उससे अच्छा ही मिलेगा.

 इसीलिए जब भी अपनी मैरिज प्रोफाइल या फिर अपना बायोडाटा किसी के साथ शेयर करें तो स्वयं को कई बार उसे देखें और उसे यह समझने की कोशिश करें कि यदि कोई और उसे देखेगा तो कैसा लगेगा.

 आप से जुड़ी सभी प्रकार की चीजें और इंफॉर्मेशन उसमे जोड़ने की कोशिश करें,  चाहे वह अच्छी हो तो यह सबसे अच्छी बात है लेकिन यदि कुछ बातें बोली भी हो तू भी उन्हें ऐड करने की कोशिश करें इससे आपकी प्रोफाइल और आपका बायोडाटा ज्यादा सही लगेगा.

 शादी की पहली बुनियाद होती है भरोसा यदि आप अपने बायोडाटा के द्वारा अपने पार्टनर को भरोसा दिलाने में कामयाब रहते हैं तो आपका 70% कार्य ही समाप्त हो जाता है.  इसके बाद जब आप एक दूसरे से मिलने के लिए जाएंगे तो वहां पर आपकी मुस्कुराहट और आप की सच्चाई और आपके बारे में जानकारियां ही आपकी वैवाहिक जीवन की शुरुआत होगी.

 इसलिए आप अपना मैरिज प्रोफाइल बनाएं,  तब अपनी डॉक फाइल में अपनी सभी चीजें जैसे कि आप की कितनी हाइट है,  आपके शरीर का रंग कैसा है,  आप किस प्रकार के कपड़े पहनते हैं,  कि किस रंग का कपड़ा पहनना पसंद करते हैं,  क्या खाना पसंद करते हैं और कहां घूमना पसंद करते हैं,  यदि किसी प्रकार की ऑनलाइन प्लेटफॉर्म उसको आप यूज करते हैं तो उनके बारे में जानकारी साझा करें,  किस प्रकार की मूवीस और गाने सुनने में आपका रुचि है,  क्या आप कोई खेल खेलते हैं और आपने कभी उसमें किसी प्रकार के इनाम को पाया है  उसके बारे में बताएं.  आप किन किन जगहों पर अब तक रह चुके हैं और आपका कमाई का मुख्य स्रोत क्या है?  कैसे आप अपने पार्टनर को जिंदगी भर खुश रख सकते हैं इस बात का जरूर मेंशन करें. 

 अपनी करंट प्रोफाइल को फोटो के साथ लगाएं,  और यह भी जरूरी है कि वह प्रोफाइल सामने वाले के लिए रुचिकर हो.  लेकिन सही हो.  कई केसेज में ऐसा देखा गया है कि लोग अपनी इंफॉर्मेशन तो सही भरते हैं लेकिन जब अपनी फोटो देने की बात होती है तो वह एडिटेड फोटो देते हैं जो कि सही नहीं होती.  इसलिए जब भी आप  आमने सामने एक दूसरे के साथ बात करते हैं तो आपकी पहला इंप्रेशन ही सही नहीं बनता.  क्योंकि उम्मीद कीजिए कि यदि आप मोटे या काले हैं और आपने अपनी एडिटेड फोटो में या दिया है कि आप बहुत ही  फिटऔर सुंदर है.

 ऐसे में जब भी आप अपने पार्टनर से मिलने के लिए सामने जाएंगे तो सबसे पहले से ही यह होगी कि जो आपने अपनी प्रोफाइल पर शेयर की थी या नहीं आपने झूठ बोलने की शुरुआत की.  अगर आपका पार्टनर समझदार है तो वहीं चीजों को ऐड कर लेगा लेकिन अगर उसे यह बात बुरी लगे तो आप इस रिश्ते की शुरुआत को खत्म समझें.

 इसीलिए ऊपर दी गई चीजों को बहुत ही ध्यान पूर्वक देखें समझें और लिखें यह आपके लिए बहुत सहायता करेगा 

हमें उम्मीद है कि आप यह आर्टिकल भी पसंद करेंगे: