What Are The Top 10 Metaverse Projects? | Decentraland, Harmony, Kadena, Fantom, Solana


Most of the projects described in this post have some kind of store- and/or market-based payment mechanism. Most are highly speculative and speculative projects. Some are real businesses, though they have no store or market to pay with.

The “top five” is defined as follows:

First, the top five crypto tokens that are exchangeable for each other (in order):

  • Solana (50% stake in each), Fantom, Kadena, Harmony, Decentraland, Decentraland (20% stake in each).
  • Second, the top five crypto tokens that can be used to pay for goods and services within an electronic marketplace:
  • Solana (20% stake in each), Fantom, Kadena, Harmony.
  • Third, the top five crypto tokens that can be traded for fiat currencies on a cross-border cryptocurrency exchange:
  • Fantom (10% stake in each), Solana (20%), Kadena (25%), Harmony (25%).
  • Fourth and finally, the top five crypto tokens that can be traded for common stocks on a stock exchange:
  • Solana (10% stake in each), Fantom.

Top 5 Metaverse Projects

While the primary focus of this post is on metaverse coins, we also have a pretty good list of top five projects:

  1. Decentraland – a virtual world created using smart contracts, but by using the Ethereum blockchain.
  2. Harmony – a decentralized social media platform.
  3. Kadena – a decentralized gaming platform with an emphasis on social and game play.
  4. Fantom – a decentralized cloud storage platform that uses Ethereum blockchain to store data and provide encrypted access to data (similar to Storj).
  5. Solana – an open source software framework that allows developers to easily create virtual worlds and games (similar to Terragen).

This is a list of projects that have been around for more than a year and are currently in active development.
In the last few months, decentralized applications — or dApps — have started to emerge as a way to build and run virtual world applications. These applications are built around the idea that users own their data and can use it however they like without interference from corporate entities.

The first dApps that were built around this were the Ethereum-based DAO. The DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) was an autonomous organization set up by its users using smart contracts to create and govern projects in the metaverse, a decentralized virtual world.

As of December 2017, there were more than 30 dApps built around this concept, collectively known as “the metaverse”.

Each project has different functionality, depending on how it works: some are entirely decentralised, others are distributed across multiple platforms, and others still work with centralized servers to provide services for each user.

We’ve written more about these types of dApps here: What Are The Top 10 Metaverse Projects? | Decentraland, Harmony, Kadena, Fantom, Solana What Are The Top 10 Metaverse Projects? | Decentraland, Harmony, Kadena, Fantom, Solana.


Decentraland, Harmony, Kadena are three very different projects. One, Decentraland: a project for building and running decentralized applications in the metaverse. It’s a very small community so significant developments have only been made by teams who are in regular contact with the rest of the Decentraland team.
Harmony: A metaverse on top of the Ethereum blockchain that allows users to build decentralized applications and host them on their own servers.

Fantom: A decentralized World of Warcraft-like game server that is built on top of Ethereum

Solana is a peer-to-peer network that allows anyone to create virtual worlds and play them with other people. It doesn’t require an internet connection or storage space (so it’s not quite true decentralization).
There are a lot of other projects around and I haven’t even started:

Decentraleum (DELM) – The first cryptocurrency based on the ethereum blockchain that aims to solve the issue of scalability; asset exchange; high liquidity; native token; decimal proofing; smart contract crypto currency and more. Ethererum (EDR) – Ethererum was created by adding features to ethereum smart contracts for full decentralization as well as features such as IOUs, security tokens, smart contracts etc..


The biggest and best-known metaverse projects today are Ethereum, Neblio, and DFINITY. However, there are a few other projects that people often forget about.

One of those is Decentraland, and it’s coming in at the #9 spot on this list. Decentraland is an open-source virtual world that’s built on top of the Ethereum blockchain. It was released in December 2016 and has since been downloaded over one million times.

To give you some idea of how big they are, they have more than five million users.
Solana (formerly known as Solacy) is a crypto token that was created to power the SolaNano hard drive—a new type of hard disk drive with the ability to store 1 terabyte of data for just $250 (which is less than $0.04 per gigabyte).

There are currently over 1 billion tokens in circulation and only three hundred thousand have been sold to date.


The Ethereum blockchain is a worldwide network of virtual worlds. It is a decentralized digital currency, a blockchain technology, and it is a tool that enables the creation of new types of virtual worlds. The Ethereum network has been created to facilitate such projects:

One last thing you need to know about this is that the Ethereum network can be used to create any kind of token. When you are creating your token, you should consider its purpose. If you want to sell it, put it on the market on an exchange, but if you want to build something (like a new crypto-collectible), then use different environments in which you can create an entirely new and unique item.


With the advent of blockchain technology and smart contracts, cryptocurrencies are becoming a lot more complicated to deal with. Cryptocurrencies are designed to be exchangeable (such as Bitcoin), while each currency also has specific characteristics that define it.

Cryptocurrencies with their decentralized nature generally do not solve any of the problems that hold back centralized currencies. One common problem is that cryptocurrencies are more difficult to use than central currencies. The most well-known cryptocurrency is bitcoin, which is by far the most widely used.

There are some other smaller cryptocurrencies in the market, but many people prefer bitcoin because it is easy to use for a wide range of applications, including payments and transactions. Here are some of them: IOTA

In this article from CoinTelegraph we talk about Iota: a decentralised ledger system. Through its uses in peer-to-peer payments and data storage, Iota’s technology can be used to tokenize assets and equity, facilitate financial transactions across borders, and create an internet-of-things system that transfers value between participants via digital assets.
Hyperledger Fabric (HLF)

This project was started by IBM in 2015 as an initiative to develop open source projects for use case scenarios on the Internet of Things (IoT) beyond B2B/B2C eCommerce software solutions.

HLF is a modular framework for building blockchain based applications on top of existing hardware and software platforms such as IoT devices, machines or servers running operating systems such as Java or Python on a local or virtual machine environment without provisioning specific programming languages from scratch.

HLF makes it easier for developers to take advantage of existing hardware resources without having to implement custom solutions for every single device type and platform possible using open source libraries instead of custom solutions tailored for each platform.

One thing that makes HLF unique compared to other projects like Hyperledger Fabric is that there aren’t any proprietary libraries being developed specifically for HLF (they use other libraries). This way you can easily build an application on top of HLF without having to write your own code – something you can’t do with other projects built on top of Hyperledger Fabric (e.g., Chaincode). If you are building a general purpose blockchain application then you should definitely look into this project first!

LibraCoin (Libra)

Libra was originally introduced as a stablecoin backed by real world assets such as gold; however in recent months Libra has shifted focus towards


There is a lot of hype around the “metaverse”. It’s not so much a new concept (like many other concepts), but a new phrase coined by a bunch of people trying to monetize what they call “virtual worlds”. The word itself doesn’t have much to do with virtual worlds, but metaverse is the name given to what they are: virtual worlds where you can make your own, which are usually created and hosted by people who make a living off of this kind of service.
The concept has taken off in several ways so far, including:

  • Decentraland, an on-chain virtual world based on the Ethereum blockchain;
  • Harmony, an on-chain virtual world based on the EOS blockchain;
  • Kadena, an on-chain metaverse built on the NEO blockchain; and now Fantom, an in-game store based on the Ethereum LISP protocol (which was recently acquired by Unity).

These projects have different interests and goals that may or may not align for all of them. But if you ever have time to play around with any of these projects at all it should be fun! And once you get a feeling for how they work I’m sure you’ll come up with some ideas for your own project too.

Loom Network

A metaverse is a self-contained virtual world that can be accessed anywhere via the internet. A few examples of this are:

  1. Decentraland,
  2. Harmony,
  3. Kadena,
  4. High Fidelity

The idea of “metaverse” has been around for decades, originally referring to the virtual worlds that were used in Star Trek: the Borg. Nowadays, it is used to refer to decentralized virtual worlds.

In the popular imagination, these are often described as “blockchain-based”, but they are not actually blockchains at all; they are just a particular type of protocol that makes it possible for people (such as developers) to create a virtual world with very high fidelity and accuracy. It turns out that in order to do so, you need some very specific qualities:

  • High accuracy – this means you must be able to accurately map every potentially visible point within your metaverse (for example, in the case of a landmass game like Terraria , you need precise geometry and accurate landmass resolution), so you can have precise information about every visible object within your metaverse.
  • Veriety – this means that your metaverse must be able to hold more information than humans can store per second. So if it is ~1 terabyte for an MMO like World of Warcraft , then it must be ~5 tb for an actual high fidelity metaverse game with eye-popping detail (like World of Warplanes )
  • High scalability – this means that anything you do in any one place on your metaverse needs to scale rapidly enough so that nearby players can see what you are doing and join forces with each other when they see something interesting.

This is where blockchain technology comes in: it allows us to set up vast distributed databases which act as a sort of “swarm” which will take over when needed (and also allows us to efficiently scale up).

The beauty of blockchain technology is that we don’t need centralized servers — we just need distributed ledgers or databases which contain copies of all the data we need stored across many servers around the world — and so this architecture has emerged as a way for new games or websites without centralized servers or databases.

In addition, these tools have become incredibly scalable because they run on a distributed peer-to-peer network: anyone who has an internet connection can join your game or website and participate in it. This makes them better than other types of DApps because DApps usually have one central server somewhere.

Everyone who joins on such DApps runs their own copy on their computer even if they get disconnected from their Internet connection; also, DApps.

The Best Metaverse Investment Today RIGHT NOW

What Is the Metaverse?

The metaverse is a virtual world (or virtual reality, if you will). It is the world that exists in the minds of its users and is created by them. But more importantly, it is the world that exists in the minds of these users and can be created by them. As such, it is an immersive experience that allows users to expand their understanding of themselves and others.
What’s interesting about this virtual world concept is that it’s not just a new way of interacting with technology. Rather, as Mihai Moldovan states in his Decentraland whitepaper:

“The Metaverse is about building connected experiences for everyone – not just for developers. We invite anyone to explore, discover, experiment and create.”

So as far as innovation goes, there are many exciting projects being constructed on top of this idea but it’s easy to overlook some of them at this point.

In fact, since we’re going to cover multiple topics today on our Metaverse event we thought we’d do a quick rundown on the top 10 most promising projects right now (by crowdsale funding stage) that are launching their own decentralised virtual worlds:

• Harmony • Kadena • Fantom • Solana (powered by Ontology) • Decentraland • Vidyo • Tezos • MaidSafeCoin (powered by EOS) • MakerDAO

Now let’s review some highlights from all these projects:

1. Harmony — The first decentralized app store for VR/AR/MR titles — Harmony aims to provide an easy-to-use decentralized marketplace where developers can sell VR/AR/MR titles without having to worry about censorship or interference from other markets or platforms. It does this using a combination of blockchain technology and smart contracts for digital rights management (DRM). This makes it possible for anyone with a VR headset to buy any VR/AR title from its decentralized app store without needing any intermediary platforms or servers at all.

2. Kadena — A decentralized video sharing platform — Kadena aims to connect people with high quality videos anywhere in the world using blockchain technology and smart contracts which allow content owners and viewers alike to monetize their content directly through rewards issued via Ethereum smart contracts.

3. Fantom — A free web browser running on desktop or mobile devices which has been developed with user privacy as its primary concern so as to protect users’ data privacy while also offering safe browsing experiences through JavaScript encryption layers while also encouraging interoper

Top gaming and metaverse cryptos

The World is full of good ideas. We’re on the lookout for interesting new projects: new uses for existing technologies and new ways of thinking about existing technologies. That’s why we’ve put together a list of three that are giving us the most buzz right now:

  1. Decentraland — A “hyper-virtual world” that runs on Ethereum
  2. Harmony — A decentralized social network built on top of the Ethereum blockchain
  3. The Metaverse Coin — A true virtual currency with a decentralized governance structure

We always recommend you spend some time reading these and other great resources from the Metaverse community (check out our Metaverse Blog, which includes posts from 10 contributors). But what exactly does this have to do with crypto?

Well, just like in any other space, where there are lots of great ideas, there will be a handful that make it to production quickly and become a hit before everyone else does too. You should continue to keep an eye out for those projects:

They may not be as well known as some others yet, but they will undoubtedly be worth following over time (if you can find them at all). And if all else fails, just jump into the game yourself! Don’t forget to check out our Discord server here!

Which metaverse coin is best?

There are a number of different approaches to creating a metaverse. As your project matures, you may find that you’ve already come up with one or more of these:

These represent just the top 10 projects we looked at, so I will continue to add new ones as I find them.

How do I invest in metaverse coins?

I’m glad you asked, because here we go:

  1. The Metaverse Cryptocurrency (MVC) is a decentralized and open-source cryptocurrency whose purpose is to be used for secure peer-to-peer transactions between multiple users, who can create and manage their own virtual universes and store their own digital assets.

    The MVC token allows users to purchase virtual goods in a variety of games from the public or private network. This currency may be used as a means of payment for services within the games. The MVC tokens can also be used to purchase virtual goods or services within the Metaverse itself, based on how much they are purchased.
  2. Ryo Incubator is an open-source submitter’s incubator that uses the Metaverse protocols and its proprietary technology to create new projects in the metaverse world.

    The Ryo Incubator provides access to all of the features of the Metaverse without having to use one of its projects, allowing anyone with a computer or smartphone to access many different projects in one place at once.
  3. OuiCorp is an open-source incubator that uses Open Spectrum Protocols and the METAverse protocols to create new projects in the metaverse world, including applications and games protected by DRM technology that allow users to share data between them (such as video chat).

    It was founded by former KZM Entertainment developers who have been working on this project for years together with their employees from KZM Entertainment (now John Romero).
  4. Decentraland is an open-source submitter’s incubator that uses Open Spectrum Protocols and the METAverse protocols to create new projects in the metaverse world, including applications and games protected by DRM technology that allow users to share data between them (such as video chat).

    It was founded by former KZM Entertainment developers who have been working on this project for years together with their employees from KZM Entertainment (now John Romero).
  5. Harmony is an open-source submitter’s incubator that uses Open Spectrum Protocols and the METAverse protocols in creating new projects in the metaverse world, including applications and games protected by DRM technology that allow users to share data between them (such as video chat).

    It was founded by former KZM Entertainment developers who have been working on this project for years together with their employees from KZM Entertainment (now John Romero). “Harmony” is a code name for.

Does Meta have a Cryptocurrency?

We have a few projects on the radar for possible crypto-mining. They are not yet ready for crypto-mining, but we would like to think that they could be mined one day.

If you have some free time and are a dedicated hacker (or just a curious person), the following is a list of 10 projects that might be worth checking out:

  1. Decentraland (DNT) – $5 million
  2. Harmony (HYD) – $3 million
  3. Kadena (KND) – $1 million
  4. Fantom (FNT) – $500,000
  5. Solana (SLA) -$300,000

Where is the metaverse?

A metaverse is a virtual world in which the land (landscape, forest, mountain etc.) has been converted into a fully functioning ecosystem of digital objects. A metaverse is a virtual world in which each object has its own set of attributes and behaviors.

We are currently working on one that allows you to think like a creative director and create digital objects, environments and design solutions for the Metaverse Platform. People can then use these objects in their games, apps and other products.

What are some popular metaverse projects?

The list below contains the top 10 [meta-]verse projects which have been funded by the Metaverse Foundation or Metaverse Decentraland. These projects are not necessarily associated with any particular company or organization; they represent an array of different types of projects:

  1. Airdrop — Airdrop Project: This project was created by Lisk Foundation in 2015 to allow people to receive tokens from Lisk’s coins Airdrop Program on an as-needed basis. In addition, it aims to provide non-financial benefits such as content distribution, marketing opportunities and community interaction for users who use Lisk’s apps such as Lisk Explorer Wallet, Lisk Hub and others. 1
  2. All My Friends — Facebook Live Streamed Project: The idea behind this project is to show people’s friends’ lives on Facebook Live; basically live video of your friends’ lives! It comes with some options to customize your live stream so that you can make it more personal or pick up new friends instantly! 2
  3. Alpha Singularity — Cryptocurrency Project: This project intends to create a digital currency that will be used as payment to buy goods and services in the virtual world known as Alpha Singularity 3 . The price of your token will be determined by how many users you have 3
  4. App Store Apps — App Store Apps Project: Based on Apple’s App Store app store and includes features like buying apps for iOS devices running on Apple’s platforms 4 , sharing content through social media links 5 , downloading free apps 5 , going through reviews 6 , posting comments 7 , etc…

What tokens are metaverse?

At the helm of a blockchain-based metaverse is the Metaverse Foundation (MTF), which oversees the development of its suite of virtual universes based on the idea that they are the virtual world counterpart to real worlds. The MTF released their first project, Decentraland, in 2016 and it has quickly become one of the most talked about projects on this list.

The second-most talked about project was Harmony, which focuses on providing free online 2D environments for VR and AR (including a number of licensed content from Warner Bros.). See also Kadena, Fantom or Solana.

The Metaverse Foundation’s demonstration project: A fully functional version of EVE Online in a 3D metaverse built by DECENT/Harmony/Kadenenetwork.