What was the first love marriage in the world?

It is difficult to say when the first love marriage in the world occurred as the concept of love and marriage has evolved over time and across cultures. Historically, marriages were often arranged by families and were based on economic and political considerations rather than love. The idea of marrying for love and personal happiness is a relatively modern concept.

In Western culture, the concept of love and marriage began to change during the Middle Ages with the rise of the courtly love tradition in which knights would pledge their love and loyalty to a noble lady. However, these relationships were often platonic and did not necessarily lead to marriage.

During the Renaissance, the idea of romantic love began to gain more acceptance, and by the 18th century, the idea of marrying for love had become more common in Europe and North America.

It’s important to note that, love marriages have been present in different cultures and regions in the world for a long time, but the concept of marrying for love as a norm and not just an exception, is a relatively recent phenomenon.

It’s difficult to pin point a specific time and place as the first love marriage in the world, since the concept of love and marriage has been changing over time and across cultures.