How to get TradingView real time data?

TradingView provides real-time data for many exchanges, including stocks, futures, Forex, and cryptocurrencies. To get real-time data from TradingView, you will need to sign up for a subscription that includes real-time data. TradingView offers several subscription plans with varying levels of access to real-time data.

How can I get real-time data from exchanges?

To get real-time data from exchanges, you will need to connect to the exchange’s data feed using an API or other technology. Many exchanges offer APIs that allow developers to access real-time data in a standardized format.

Does TradingView have a delay?

TradingView’s real-time data feed has a delay of a few seconds, which can vary depending on the exchange and subscription plan. However, this delay is generally minimal and does not significantly impact the accuracy of real-time data for most trading strategies.

TradingView is live and provides real-time data for many markets. However, the accuracy and reliability of this data can vary depending on factors like the exchange, subscription plan, and the quality of the internet connection.

reversal candlestick patterns
reversal candlestick patterns

How extract live data from Tradeview?

To extract live data from TradingView, you can use their APIs, which provide access to real-time and historical data. The TradingView API allows developers to access data on stocks, futures, Forex, and cryptocurrencies, as well as technical analysis tools and other features.

The delay for TradingView’s real-time data varies depending on the subscription plan and the specific exchange. However, for most markets, the delay is minimal, usually less than a few seconds.

What is the most accurate indicator on TradingView?

There is no single indicator on TradingView that is the most accurate, as different indicators can be more or less effective depending on the market and trading strategy. It is important to choose indicators that align with your trading goals and approach and to test them thoroughly before using them in live trading.

TradingView Pro does include access to real-time data, depending on the subscription plan. TradingView offers several subscription plans with varying levels of access to real-time data, including Pro and Premium plans.

Does TradingView Pro have real-time data?

TradingView’s real-time stock data can be relied on for day trading, as long as it is used in conjunction with other tools and indicators, and with an understanding of the market conditions and trading strategy being employed. It is important to test any strategy thoroughly and to use risk management tools to help limit potential losses.

Getting TradingView real time data can be a challenge. Not only do you need to set up the necessary infrastructure, but you also need to make sure your data is accurate and up-to-date. If you’re looking for an edge in your trading contests, it’s important to have accurate and up-to-date data.

How to Get TradingView Real Time Data?

To get real-time data from TradingView, you first need to sign up for a free account and then create a trading account. Once you have an account, you can start trading by dragging and dropping securities into your broker’s order book.

To get real-time data from TradingView, you must set up a tradeshow in your broker’s order book. You can also use the built-in webinar recorder to capture and replay live sessions of your portfolio so that you can review key performance indicators.

If you want to use TradingView data in your own trading applications, you will need topassthrough the Trading View Connector provided by your broker. This connector allows you to access the raw data stored on TradingView but doesn’t allow for filtering or analysis of that data.

Once you have access to the data stored on TradingView,you can use it in your own trading applications by using the Trader’s View Data Wizard found on the Trader’s View website. This wizard will helpfully guide you through setting up filters and sorting of information so thatyou can get the most out of your TradingView data.

Section 2. How to Use TradingView Data.How To Use The Trading View Data Room To Trade.How To Use The Order Book And Mycotic Orders To Trade Gaps In Your PortfolioHow To Use The Trader’s View Data Wizard To Get The Most Out Of Your Data

How to Use TradingView to Trade.

To place an order, you first need to create a trading account and login. You can do this by clicking on the link in the top left corner of the main TradingView window. Once you have logged in, click on the Orders tab and then click on the New Order button.

This will create a new order for you, containing all of your current information including your buy or sell orders, stop losses, and fill values.

In addition to your buy or sell orders, you can also place a market order by clicking on the Market Orders tab and typing in the stock or option you want to trade. You can also use the arrow keys to move your cursor around within the order book so that you can better see how each part of your strategy is working.

Finally, if you want to get feedback on how your trading strategy is performing, you can right-click on anOrder Details column and select Get Feedback from Account (requires login). This will open up a dialog box where you can receive real-time feedback on how well your order is being executed.

How to Use TradingView to Perform Investing Activities.

To use TradingView to track and invest in stocks, you first need to create a trading account. Once you have created your account, you can begin tracking the stock prices of your choice. You can also use TradingView to stay up-to-date on financial news by subscribing to newsletters or watching streaming video content related to your chosen stock.

How to Stay Up-to-Date on Financial News.

If you want to stay current on financial news, it’s important to keep yourself informed by subscribing to newsletters or watching streaming video content related to your chosen stock. These sources of information can help you stay up-to-date on changes in the stock market and learn about potential opportunities that could affect your investment portfolio.

How to Use TradingView To Perform Investing Activities.

Once you have tracked andInvested in stocks, it’s time for the next step: trading! With TradingView, it’s easy enough to enter and exit trades without ever having to leave your computer or phone! Simply click on the “Trading Activity” link in the top right corner of any screen inside of Tradingview, and start daydreaming about making some money!


Use TradingView to trade products and perform investing activities. By using TradingView to track your investments, stay up-to-date on financial news, and more, you can make efficient and profitable trading decisions.