How to get Tradingview moving average script working?

To get the TradingView moving average script, you can use the built-in “Moving Average” indicator in the TradingView platform. To add this indicator, follow these steps:

  1. Open the chart you want to add the moving average to.
  2. Click on the “Indicators” button at the top of the chart.
  3. In the search bar, type “Moving Average” and select the indicator from the list.
  4. Choose the period and type of moving average you want to use and customize any other settings.
  5. Click “Apply” to add the indicator to your chart.

To set moving averages in TradingView using Pine Script, you can use the “ema” function. Here is an example of the code to set a 20-period EMA:

ema20 = ema(close, 20)

This code creates a new variable called “ema20” that calculates the 20-period exponential moving average using the “close” price as the input.

How do you get 20 EMA in Tradingview?

To automate a TradingView script, you can use the “study” function in Pine Script to create a custom indicator. This indicator can then be added to any chart in TradingView and will automatically update based on the script’s logic. Here is an example of the code to create a custom moving average indicator:

study(title="Custom Moving Average", shorttitle="CMA", overlay=true)

length = input(title="Length", type=input.integer, defval=20)
src = input(title="Source", type=input.source, defval=close)
offset = input(title="Offset", type=input.integer, defval=0)

ma = ema(src, length)

plot(ma,, offset=offset)

This code creates a custom indicator called “Custom Moving Average” that calculates an EMA based on user inputs for length and source. The indicator also includes an input for offset, which allows the user to shift the indicator’s position on the chart.

To use the moving average in Pine Script, you can use the built-in “ema” function. This function takes two arguments: the input source (e.g., “close”) and the length of the moving average. Here is an example of the code to set a 20-period EMA:

ema20 = ema(close, 20)

This code creates a new variable called “ema20” that calculates the 20-period exponential moving average using the “close” price as the input. You can then use this variable in other parts of your script, such as for generating buy/sell signals or plotting on the chart.

If you want to get Tradingview moving average script working, you’ll need to know how to set it up and configure it. This is a critical part of any successful trader’s arsenal, so make sure you have this information at your fingertips. Here are some tips on getting Tradingview moving average script working:

Get Tradingview moving average script working.

A moving average is a mathematical tool used to monitor and predict stock prices. Averages are used to make decisions about where to place orders in order to buy or sell stocks. They can also be used as signals for news or economic events.

How to Get TradingviewMoving Average Script Working.

To get your Tradingview Moving Average script working, you first need to know how it works. The process of getting a Moving Average Script working is as follows:

1) You need to have an account with Tradingview.

2) You will need to create an empty text file called “EMA_FILE” and name it accordingly.

3) In the “EMA_FILE”, you will need to paste the following code into it:

#include #include #include //needed for the MovingAverage function static int main(int argc, char **argv) { //create an instance of the Moving Average library std::move( tradingview::movableaverage()); //get a value for the MA now printf(“%.4f”, tradingview::movableaverage()); return 0; }


2. How to Get Tradingview Moving Average Script Working?

Once you have your Tradingview Moving Average script working, you will need to use it in order to predicted stock prices. To do this, you will first need to download and install the Tradingview software. Once it has been installed, open up the tradingview application and click on the ” Setup ” button. In the ensuing dialogue, you will need to enter some data into the ” Value ” field. Once finished, click on the “OK” button and your Tradingview Moving Average script will be ready to use.

How to Use a Moving Average.

Setting up a moving average is simple – just enter the data you want to track, and then use the Moving Average tool to plot it on your screen. The Moving Average tool allows you to add, subtract, or change values, so you can track changes in data over time.

How to Use a Moving average to Interpret Data?

When using an average as part of an analysis, it’s important to understand how it works. To do this, you need to understand how averages work and how they help you interpret data. An average is simply a weighted average of the results of a set of observations. It helps us compare different sets of data and give us a better understanding of what’s happening in our world.

Tips for Using a Moving Average

One of the most important aspects of successful trading is having a good understanding of how your TradingView account behaves under different market conditions. To help you achieve this, you can use a moving average to improve your trading performance.

To use a Moving Average, follow these steps:

1. Choose the point at which you want to start averaging your data.

2. Click on the green “avg” button at the top right of your TradingView screen.

3. When you have averaged your data for the desired period of time, click on the red “close” button to end the averaging process.

4. To view and compare your average results over time, open up a new tab in your TradingView account and click on the “History” tab.


If you’re looking to improve your trading performance, using a moving average can be a great way to do so. By setting up a Moving Average and using it to interpret data, you can get a better understanding of how your market is performing. Additionally, tips for improving trading efficiency can be included in this section. Overall, if you’re looking to improve your trading results, learning about and using a moving average may well be the best decision you make.